シューマン:ゲーテの〈ファウスト〉からの情景の話題 (3) YouTube/DVD ベルニウス指揮 Klassische Philharmonie Stuttgart (1999, live)


フリーダー・ベルニウス(指揮) Frieder Bernius
Klassische Philharmonie Stuttgart
シュトゥットガルト室内合唱団 Chamber Choir Stuttgart

Michaela Kaune
Detlef Roth
Franz Hawlata
Regina Klepper
Christa Mayer
Susanne Krumbiegel
Johannes Kalpers

Amandus Church(ドイツ) 1999, live

動画をアップしている Loft Music は映像の権利者のようです。

(追記 2017.02.15)

Robert Schumann: Scenes from Goethe's Faust
This performance was recorded live at the Bad Urach Autumn Festival and presents a concert of scenes from Goethe's masterpiece Faust, set to music by Robert Schumann. The concert took place at the five hundred-year-old gothic Amanduskirche with soloists Michaela Kaune, Regina Klepper, Mihoko Fujimura, Christa Mayer, Susanne Krumbiegel, Jonas Kaufmann, Detlev Roth and Franz Hawlata. Frieder Bernius conducted the Stuttgart Chamber Choir and the Klassische Philharmonie Stuttgart.
Directed by Helga Dubnyicsek - 80' 16:9 Widescreen